Important Candle Safety and Care Tips

Important Candle Safety and Care Tips

English version (French, German and Italian are below)
  • Allow liquid wax to reach edge of glass every use to prevent from tunneling (first burn may take at least 2 to 3 hours to completely melt around the edges of your candle jar).
  • Do not exceed the recommended burn time of 4 hours each time.
  • Trim burnt wood wick or cotton wick before each use. It will allow the candle to have a steady flame and prevent excessive sooting. Use our wick trimmer to help your candle burn brighter, cleaner and safer.
  • Burn candle within sight at all times.
  • Keep out of reach of children and pets.
  • Do not touch the candle jar when burning or cooling.
  • Never burn a candle near anything that can catch fire.
  • Place on temperature safe surface to avoid heat damage.
  • Use the candle lid (if possible) to protect surface from heat damage.
  • Never move a candle jar when the wax is liquefied.
  • Do not use water or any other liquid to extinguish your candle.
  • Discontinue use when 5mm (¼'') of wax remains.
  • Do not use your candle during a power failure. Flashlights are safer to use.
  • Your candle jar is recyclable! Please reuse. Use a spoon to scoop the remaining wax (soy wax is soft & easy to remove), clean it with paper towel & rubbing alcohol, dispose of the wax & the metal wick tabs or clips properly.

French Version

  • Allow the liquid wax to reach the edge of the glass with each use to avoid tunneling (the first burn may take at least 2-3 hours to completely melt around the edges of your tealight holder).
  • Do not exceed the recommended burn time of 4 hours at a time.
  • Trim the burned wood or cotton wick before each use. This will allow the candle to have an even flame and prevent excessive soot formation. Use our wick trimmer to help your candle burn brighter, cleaner and safer.
  • Always have the candle within sight at all times.
  • Keep the candle out of reach of children and pets.
  • Do not touch container when burning or cooling.
  • Never burn a candle near an object likely to catch fire.
  • Place the candle on a temperature-safe surface to avoid heat damage.
  • Use the candle cover (if possible) to protect the surface from heat damage.
  • Never move a container when the wax is liquefied.
  • Do not use water or any other liquid to extinguish your candle.
  • Stop using the candle when 5 mm of wax remains.
  • Do not use your candle in a power outage. Flashlights are safer.
  • Your container is recyclable! Reuse it. Use a spoon to scoop out any remaining wax (soy wax is soft and easy to remove), clean it with paper towels and rubbing alcohol, then dispose of the wax and metal wick tabs or clips properly.


  • Lassen Sie das flüssige Wachs bei jedem Gebrauch bis zum Rand des Glases reichen, um ein Tunneln zu verhindern (das erste Brennen kann mindestens 2 bis 3 Stunden dauern, bis das Wachs vollständig an den Rändern des Kerzenglases geschmolzen ist).
  • Überschreiten Sie nicht jedes Mal die empfohlene Brenndauer von 4 Stunden.
  • Schneiden Sie verbrannte Holz- oder Baumwolldochte vor jedem Gebrauch ab. Dadurch erhält die Kerze eine gleichmäßige Flamme und verhindert übermäßiges Rußen. Verwenden Sie unseren Dochtschneider, damit Ihre Kerze heller, sauberer und sicherer brennt.
  • Brennen Sie die Kerze immer in Sichtweite ab.
  • Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern und Haustieren aufbewahren.
  • Berühren Sie das Kerzenglas nicht beim Abbrennen or Abkühlen.
  • If there is a risk of death in the last few years, the fire is still burning.
  • At lower temperatures, the temperature will change slightly.
  • Verwenden Sie den Kerzendeckel (wenn möglich), um die Oberfläche vor Hitzeschäden zu schützen.
  • Bewegen Sie niemals ein Kerzenglas, wenn das Wachs verflüssigt ist.
  • Verwenden Sie kein Wasser oder eine andere Flüssigkeit, um Ihre Kerze zu löschen.
  • Verwenden Sie die Kerze nicht mehr, wenn noch 5 mm Wachs übrig ist.
  • Verwenden Sie Ihre Kerze nicht bei einem Stromausfall. Die Verwendung von Taschenlampen ist sicherer.
  • Ihr Kerzenglas ist recycled! Bitte wiederverwenden. Verwenden Sie einen Löffel, um das restliche Wachs zu entfernen (Sojawachs ist weich und leicht zu entfernen), reinigen Sie es mit einem Papiertuch und Reinigungsalkohol, entsorgen Sie das Wachs und die Metalldochtklammern ordnungsgemäß.


  • Lasciare che la cera liquida raggiunga il bordo del vetro ogni volta che si usa para evavitare che si infiltri (the first combustion can richiedere almeno 2 o 3 ore per sciogliersi completely intorno ai bordi del vaso).
  • No, the combustion time is limited to 4 or more volta.
  • Do not stop the wood or cotton before it is used. Please allow the candle to have a stable fire and avoid excessive burning. Use our tags to turn off to allow your candle to burn in brighter, darker and darker modes.
  • Bruciare la candela semper a vista.
  • There are many ways to carry babies and domestic animals.
  • Do not burn the candle during combustion or cooling.
  • No burner but the candela vicino a oggetti che possono prisere fuoco.
  • Keep the candle on a safe surface at the point of view of the temperature to avoid the loss of heat.
  • Use the candle cover (if possible) to protect the heat-destroyed surface area.
  • There may be no stirring of the candle when the cera è liquefied.
  • Do not use water or other liquids to burn the candle.
  • Interrupt the use when rimangono 5 mm di cera.
  • Do not use the candle in case of current interruption. The electric torch is safer.
  • The candela churn is delicious! Reuse. Use a cucchiaio to hook up the rim (the cera di soia is morbid and easy to rimuovere), pull it with a paper towel and alcohol, remove the cera correctly and the tab where it closes metallici dello stoppino.
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